Wholesale Beeswax
If you are a retailer and would like to receive our beeswax wholesale price list of our beeswax candles, please email or call us with your request. Please include your name, your business name, address, phone number and retail license number and we will be happy to email you our wholesale price list in pdf format.
Minimum 1st beeswax wholesale candle order is $200. Customer pays shipping.
To request our wholesale beeswax price list in pdf, please email your request to us. Please include your name, your business name, address, phone number and website address and we will be happy to email you our wholesale price list in pdf format.
Minimum 1st wholesale beeswax candle order is $200. We accept only wire transfer funds on our international wholesale accounts. Customer arranges and pays for shipping.
All of the preceding content is for WHOLESALE inquiries only.
Christine Barth, President
Beeswax Candle Works, Inc
PO Box 1450
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Email: Wholesale Beeswax Candles
PH: 541-942-7061 Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm (We are in Oregon, Pacific Time Zone)
PS: If you email us, please place "wholesale" in the subject line, otherwise your email may appear to be spam and will be deleted.